Rottweiler dog facts & information

Rottweiler Dog Facts & Information

Rottweiler Introduction 

Everything that you simply got to realize the fantastic Rottweiler and we'll begin with the origins so most of the people think the Rotter came from Germany which is half true the breed certainly was refined in Germany and we'll mention that later but the particular lineage of the breed may be a little unclear most experts do agree that the breed does originate in Rome and therefore the Romans bought these dogs with them on their invasion of Europe.

Rottweiler Facts & Information
These dogs were commonly left when the Romans left or moved on and it's these dogs that were bred with native breeds like the butcher and the greater Swiss Mountain Dog to create the basis of the Rottweiler that we know today as at this point in history is when they earned their name as they were often found in the livestock town of Rockville where they were commonly used as herding dogs to help people transport livestock to and from the market as they were large and athletic enough to herd this large livestock like cows and they became far-famed for their courageousness and loyalty which reputation started to spread in the fame of this breed then began to grow they then started to be useful wide a variety of roles and at one point they were known as the Rottweiler.

 Mexican ones which translate to the Rottweiler butcher's dog as they were used to help butchers pull their cars these dogs were thought to be very similar to the ones that we see today and they haven't much changed however as we move into the 19th century Germany made cattle driving illegal and their numbers declined until they were repurposed as war dogs and then they became very popular as police dogs which started them down the path to the legend regarding dogs that we all absolutely love today after the first world war this breed started to make its way overseas about 1936 was recognized by the Kennel Club and since then their popularity continued to grow in the breed spread throughout the world and today is one of the most popular and easily recognized breeds in the entire planet.

Temperament of Rottweiler 

When it comes to temperament of the Rottweiler is one of the breeds that carry a very unfair reputation where everywhere it goes dispelling these myths and better-educating people about these wonderful breeds is one of the driving forces behind this channel and although the  Rottweiler is a large powerful dog capable of incredible feats of protection and guarding the overarching temperament is that of a gentle loving and loyal dog despite this reputation they're not known to be aggressive which they are is incredibly intelligent and loyal dogs that would do anything for their owners so why does the  Rottweiler have a bad reputation if there are such loyal loving dogs well the answer does require us to take a bit more of a detailed look at their temperament.

Canine psychology and behavior as a whole, as well as a sprinkling of my own theories firstly these dogs, are Guardian breeds but this doesn't mean that they're aggressive what it does mean is that they have a more Intune sense to protect and if not well socialized and trained to the point where they look to you for direction as to when it's appropriate to use these skills they will become more independent and they'll start making decisions for themselves now all dogs will do a version of this if not well trained and socialized the problem arises because of their potential due to their size and power and not due to their temperament.

For example, if you have a small lap dog that you make this mistake with you often get an annoying yappy snappy dog if I was working with I would have no fear of them doing any damage to me however if you bring me a fully grown Rottweiler displaying exactly the same behaviors for exactly the same poor ownership that is not just an annoying dog it's a potentially dangerous dog that can do extreme damage and in the past has unfortunately proven to be fatal so this is why myself and many other people who are asked to recommend breeds to owners will often steer people away from  Rottweilers and large Guardian breeds. because inexperienced and uneducated owners making these mistakes the temperament of the Rottweiler if I was to summarize it in one sentence it would be a beautiful loyal loving gentle Guardian of its family.

Rottweiler Trainability & Intelligence

Rottweiler Trainability & Intelligence

Now we get to move on to my favorite thing about the  Rottweiler which is their trainability and intelligence now a search of the hundreds of top ten smartest or most intelligent elegant dogs the people have made me included will almost always include  Rottweiler on the list and they fully deserve that place they're truly geniuses of the canine world however trainability comes down to much more than just intelligence to be a hyper trainable dog a dog needs to be as smart as well as eager to please and in need to look to direction from their owners which I'm happy to say that the  Rottweiler offers in our owners in spades these dogs are truly an absolute pleasure to work with from protection training all the way to basic family companion obedience these dogs will lap it up and look for more from you and them are capable of learning anything that you can fir teach them and not only are they capable of this but they genuinely love it which comes from their long lineage of being working dogs this is the reason these dogs are still some of the most popular choices of police and military dogs as well as private protection trainers all over the world.

Rottweiler breed standards

The breed standards of this dog and see what it is that makes them one of the most recognizable breeds on the entire planet Rottweilers can comfortably grow to 70 centimeters and weigh 60 kilos which for one American Rottweiler out there is around 27 inches tall and 130 pounds so there's no denying that these are large dogs but these dogs definitely are not all show and no go as this size and weight is brought to the table by their extreme levels of strength and the sheer muscle mass that contributes to this they have large block your heads with taut skin around their faces and a perfect scissor by where both layers of teeth neatly overlap each other their necks are thick and extremely well muscled running down to their very powerful shoulders and one of their most distinguishing features is their deep broad and powerful chests their coats are lovely and short dense coats with a very slight undercoat the  Rottweiler has very specific marking requirements I won't bore you with here but everyone will recognize those black and tan markings that really sets the  Rottweiler apart and combined with their large and powerful bodies makes them a formidable looking dog

That its locks alone will scare off 99% of wrongdoers to yourself or your home from even trying in the first place why we're talking about their coats let's use this time to discuss the grooming requirements of  Rottweiler which is another very positive attribute of the breed as they require very little in terms of grooming and making sure it stays in tip-top condition like breeds they do shed more in spring and autumn that's still much less the many other breeds but stay on top of grooming karate you simply just need to give them a good weekly brushing and then a wipe down with a chamois lever to achieve the best results and keep them looking amazing it's always important to take a breeds health and life expectancy into account when bringing a dog into your home and that's no different with  Rottweiler they tend to have a life expectancy of between 8 and 10 years which is a solid lifespan for a large and powerful breed.

Rottweiler  health & Care

And like all breeds they do tend to have certain health issues that seem to affect that breed the most and for the  Rottweiler, these do include various different types of cancer and TRO pian which is where the eyelids fold inwards and ectropion where they fold outwards cruciate ligament rupture wet eczema cold water tail hip and elbow dysplasia and they are prone to obesity a or text enosis and some lines have been known to have some temperament issues it might not be overly obvious from the size of the breed but the  Rottweiler does have high exercise requirements as they were bred to work alongside their owners all day every day and this is a trait is still with them today so they do not do well cooped up inside all day and if you want a lazy large dog with guarding instincts the  Rottweiler definitely isn't.

The right choice I personally recommend to long walk today of around an hour each minimum and you can break them off into sections of time on lead and working on their heelwork some safe control time off the lead to really stretch their legs we're running with them or playing fetch help to tie them out and some time dedicated to some form of obedience training this way you're killing many birds with one stone as you're not only providing good exercise to help tire them out but also dedicating two times a day for some one-to-one training sessions.

Which will let you maintain high levels of obedience throughout their lives which also helps them to be mentally stimulated and will develop a deeper bond between you and the dog so when it home their Karma and happy to settle down and relax and it reinforces the trust in you where they look to you for direction like I mentioned earlier its cliche by now but a tired dog really is a happy dog and a tired happy dog is a happy owner and this is especially true when we're talking about the  Rottweiler.

All breeds it's imperative that you seek dogs from legitimate and responsible breeders for a few reasons firstly it's super important for the health of the dog as well as a rafted temperament and canine psychology and behavior purposes that's its own article to fully explain but on top of that I personally hate puppy mills and one of the best ways to crush this awful industry is to simply not participate in it and spread the word about not participating in it is if these people stop making money then it's the quickest way for these practices to disappear yes a  Rottweiler will be cheaper upfront from a puppy mill but the potential health ramifications can make them cost far more into in the long run.

So I'm only going to discuss puppies a well-bred by reputable breeders and from one of these a Rottweiler will start around a thousand pounds or around one thousand five hundred US dollars but you really do get what you pay for as well as you're not supporting this awful trade of puppy mills, of course, you can look at adopting  Rottweiler from a shelter but just be aware of the reasons that they are in the shelter and make sure that matches with your experience and skill set in retraining a dog with potential bad habits as it's easier to train a dog right in the first place then retrain a poorly behaved dog with deeply ingrained habits and if people were more responsible about what breed to get and if they're capable of looking after that type of dog for a life then the issues and shelters will do it much less in the first place.

Rottweiler pros and cons 

The Rottweiler right for you well to make that decision let's look at a summary of some of the pros and cons of this breed the positives do include that Rottweilers are incredibly smart and confident dogs capable of a wide variety of roles including family companions as they're extremely loyal and devoted dogs to their families they're easy maintenance on the grooming front as their low shadows which makes them excellent for house-proud owners and finally they are excellent watch and guard dogs are very protective of their owners and their owner's property so they're the traits you're looking for in a dog then they might be perfect for you

 however, let's take a look at some of the downsides of  Rottweiler and if these are issues for you that I would recommend you taking a lot for another breed which I'm always here to help you with if you're struggling to decide all you need to do is just drop me a quick email so some of the downsides and due to their size and potentially dangerous consequences if you get training wrong then they often are not an ideal Church choice for first-time owners and you must follow a dedicated system of training and socialization throughout their lives to ensure a calm confident dog that looks to you for direction they need a lot of exercises and mental stimulation which is something that must be taken seriously as again the consequences of not providing this can be a huge issue and in itself leads to plenty of  Rottweilers being put down or in shelters.
