How to increase my Dog height, weight & head size

How to increase my Dog height, weight & head size

There is a lot of questions about dog breeds to increase dog height, dog weight, broad head size, and bone size. And there are so many simple tricks for it, which I observe with my dogs and get really good results from them.

How I increase my Dog height, weight &  head size

Basically 90% body structure of dog puppies are dependent on their mother and father, we can increase it by inserting our efforts in it by giving them supplements, feed, and other things. So when at the time of adopting a puppy check there mother and father qualities. This is the responsibility of dog breeders to give you the best puppy but after that to maintain and increase the qualities of puppy is your responsibility by giving them good quality feed, regular exercises, time to time deworming, vaccinations and a lot of love from you which they really deserve.

The qualifying period for the growing body structure of dog puppy is the first three months from his birth means around 90 days. In these 90 days the future of dog body structure and behavior depends, so take care of these things.

How to increase dog height

In the medium and large breed dogs, we measure the height from ground to their shoulder or sometimes up to ears when your dog eats food its neck follows down towards the food bowl to eat food or drink water and this is reason are also responsible for his neck down its shoulder too. And the dog looks bad body structure dog.

To avoid this thing do follow these remedies
The dog food given to dog is should be given to its body level height, so it does not require to get its neck down, and the dog does not look like a bad or depressive body structure dog. There are so many things available in dog shops to maintain they're eating food height, and if you don’t get them then use natural things like rocks which height matches your dog height of feeding or you can use a chair or anything, etc.
  How I increase my Dog height, weight & head size

How to increase dog weight

To increase the weight of the dog the most important thing is time to time schedule-wise deworming. Because the deworming process removes the insects in your dog tummy and the food is now well digest by a dog, if you miss the deworming then the dog could be facing for stomach deceases.
If you want to make your dog good health like pictures on the internet then you must follow this rule. If you pay lots of money on your dog foods but you don’t get deworm your dog then how your dog gets a result of that good quality food.

And if you really want your dog to get muscular and healthy and strong then don’t give them homemade food at least the first 6 to 8 months, give them only good quality DOG FOOD which shows good results on your dog health.  And also if you afford regular dog food then go to it, but most peoples do not afford this so give dog food to your dog at least 2 times in one week.

How to increase dog head size

There are lots of dog toys are available in the market for dogs. The calcium bones, hard plastic bone, soft plastic bones, wood bones for chewing and this really effects on dog head. Choose any of the above bone according to your dog size and the type and also choose which your dog love. Because when your dog continuously chewing a bone the muscles of dog mouth are stretch and mouth muscles are connected with the head so it shows a good effect on the head size of dogs.


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